
W Plot Structure

W plot structure
  1. W Plot Structure Example
  2. The W Plot Structure

In many ways, Field's model, first articulated in 1979, strikes me as a forerunner of the W-Plot and Dramatica. This should be no surprise since all story models are attempts to describe the same universal story structure. As you can see, Syd Field prefers a 3-act model, with the three acts representing the Setup, Confrontation, and Resolution. Plot has a specific structure. It follows a format that sucks readers in; introduces characters, character development, and world building; and compels readers to keep reading in order to satisfy conflict and answer questions. Plot is about cause and effect, but, most importantly, plot is about choice, a character’s choice. Elements Of Plot Cinderella 1.Exposition.Rising action.Climax.Falling action.Resolution 2. Point of highest emotion / tension turning point Climax Resolution of character’s crisis 1 or more Exposition characters Resolution in crisis Introduces: All loose ends characters tied up.

There is another structure...

W Plot Structure Example

...a simpler, more flexible storytelling structure...

...made up of 10 simple phases that take your character through a complete emotional journey.

It does have a few plot points, but they're more open than the plot points you find in three-act structure or in the Hero's Journey.

This story structure allows you to draw a simple map of your story...that doubles as a map of your character's emotional journey.

The W Plot Structure

(That's my favorite thing about it.)

It doesn't get as much attention as three-act structure or the Hero's Journey...in fact, it's often overlooked by writers.


I'm not sure, but I have a theory.

Because when I first tried this story structure, I made a mistake.

A mistake that ruined my story.

There are a couple different ways to interpret this structure...and the most common ones encourage you to fall into bad storytelling habits.

Like easing off on your story's conflicts.

Or forgetting to raise the stakes.

It took a lot of experimenting for me to see why this structure wasn't working for me...

...but once I discovered the right way to use it, I fell in love with it.

It's so powerful in the way that it sets up each phase of your character's struggle.

The w plot structure

But it's so flexible, it makes brainstorming a joy.

I'm going to show you how it works in...