
Pick Up Women


When you find yourself attracted to a married woman, the first thing you need to know is that seducing her will most likely be far more complicated than seducing a single woman.

In fact, anyone can pick up women as long as they're in reasonable shape and have common sense. However, for those who still cannot work it out, here is a step-by-step guide to picking up women. Approach the woman you would like to pick up. Bend your knees and put both arms around her hips. I mean all the way round. Pick up lines are an interesting method on how to flirt with a girl. They often don't work, but if you have the right mindset (and to be fair, looks), and can deliver them with a certain je ne sais quoi, you can actually start a conversation with a girl if you use the right one. Because after all, knowing how to get a girlfriend is a skill that takes a long time to get good at. Pick up lines are an interesting method on how to flirt with a girl. They often don't work, but if you have the right mindset (and to be fair, looks), and can deliver them with a certain je ne sais quoi, you can actually start a conversation with a girl if you use the right one. Because after all, knowing how to get a girlfriend is a skill that takes a long time to get good at.

The following tips will help older men to pick up younger girls. Be as you are if you are old, behave your age. Do not try to pretend and behave as if you are very young. This will make you look immature. It might make you look ridiculous. If you try to pretend and impress girls. Another pick up line someone said to me at work was, 'can I call u Google, because u have everything I am looking for '. So I turned and asked if he googled the pick up line and he felt so embarrassed and left.

For one, she may be happily married and not interested in an extra-marital affair at all.

Secondly, even if she’s unhappy in her marriage, she may not be willing to risk her life, her home, and her children over some guy.

I’m not saying this to discourage you from hitting on married women, I just want you to be prepared for the amount of patience it takes to impress them!

In this article, I’ll share 13 tips on how to seduce a married woman with ease.

#1 Be confident and take initiative

The first secret to attracting a married woman isto be confident and to be the one pursuing her. Show initiative by sending texts or getting in touch on social media, inviting her out, choosing the time and location for your dates, etc.

Confidence is attractive because it shows you know what you want, that you’re not afraid to go after it, and that you’re willing to do whatever it takes to get it.

Plus, she’s likely the one running her household – if she meets a guy who takes charge instead of expecting her to lead, she’ll take it as a sign you’ll take care of her and her needs.

#2 Shower her with compliments

Women love compliments. It doesn’t matter whether it is amarried vixen or a young girl still trying to figure out this whole love thing.Compliments reassure her that you not only love her but also have genuinereasons to do so.

It could be physical things like her hair and her style.Maybe it is the intangible like her intelligence and work ethic. Whatever it is,she will definitely appreciate the love.

However, complimenting, like seduction, is an art and is not just about spewing out flattery. Married women are usually older and wiser and will see right through an empty compliment. To make sure that you get through to her, here are a few compliment-giving tips:

  • Dish them out regularly…
  • … just don’t let it get monotonous
  • Compliment the little things that only someone paying attention would notice.
  • Go into details when giving compliments as it seems more genuine.
  • Compliment her both in public and when you are alone.

#3 Flirt with her

Flirting can very easily be the most powerful weapon in your arsenal as far as picking up married women is concerned. That’s also one of the best way to get into a married woman’s pants.

The best way to start flirting online with a married lady would be on a site like Ashley Madison, check the cheating sites reviews on DatingInspector.

On the one hand, it will help you attract them by makingthem feel beautiful, special and wanted. And if they are unhappy in theirmarriages this is something that they are desperately craving.

Flirting is also a great way to gauge her receptiveness toyour approach without putting too much on the line.

So how exactly do you start the seduction of a married woman? How do you flirt? What would you even say? Here are a few talking points that will give her butterflies:

  • Compliment her on her body and beauty in general.
  • Find subtle ways to touch her.
  • Always keep eye contact.
  • Create inside jokes to make her laugh.
  • Make it short and leave her wanting more.

#4 Use text messages to keep her intrigued

Another great way to seduce a married woman is through textmessages as she may not have time for full-on phone calls. So texts are whereall the magic is at!

Use these to not only get to know her but to also flirt andkeep her interested. The aim is to have her genuinely excited every time herphone beeps because she knows she is going to get to talk to you.

#5 Be upfront about your intentions

You are both adults, and you know what you are doing. So do not try and tiptoe around the elephant in the room – the fact that she is married. Be open about it and make your intentions known. If you just want to have some fun then let her know. If you are looking for something long term that could lead to you two being an official couple then be open about it as well.


#6 Try not to bring up her marriage

While it is important to address the whole issue about her not being fully available, it shouldn’t be the sun around which your world rotates as a couple. Do not bring up her husband, her home, and her kids. Get to know her as an individual and give her the chance to see you as a man whom she can love and not just as an illicit affair. Unless, of course, the latter is all the two of you are after.

#7 Be nice to the kids

The quickest way to a married woman’s heart is through her children if she has any. If you get along with those little angels, then she will love you without hesitation. This is particularly with married women seriously considering divorce or already separated from their primary spouses.

After all it is not that difficult to find love and date after a divorce.

Such a woman is looking for a man who will help take care of her and her children – someone who will step into the role of the father for her kids. And if you prove yourself worthy in that respect, then it will be a lot easier for you.

#8 Focus on her as a woman and not a wife


You are probably asking yourself, why you would even go through the trouble of seducing married women.Is it really worth all it? Well, the answer is simple – they are women too. They want to be loved too. And many of them happen to be in miserable and loveless marriages.

If you have ever wanted to play the role of knight in shining armor, then this might be your best shot. So choose to focus on her being just like any other woman you would like to be with, and she will really appreciate it.

#9 Congratulate her on her achievements

Married women are usually older and more mature gals who respond really well to approval. Whether she got promoted at work, got her business off the ground, or finished another level of education, you need to be her biggest cheerleader. This will show her that you not only care about her looks and having fun but that you truly want the very best for her.

#10 Notice her efforts

While we are on this topic of gassing up your woman, it isvery important to notice and appreciate her efforts. Most married women live toserve, whether it is their friends or family. And more than anything else, theywant someone to acknowledge, appreciate and reciprocate these efforts.

If you want to get and keep her interested, then the best thing to do is to be this person for her. So the next time she is late for your date because she was doing laundry or she stops by work to bring you lunch then make sure you show her your genuine gratitude.

#11 Be wise about your text and call timings

If you are having a relationship with a married woman, seducing her will involve all the steps of an ordinary courtship. This means texting back and forth, long phone calls about nothing and everything, and most importantly, going out on dates.

However, the fact that she is married and probably keeping you a secret might make this a little hard for you two in terms of timing. The best thing is to find schedules that work for both of you to ensure that you get to talk to her without getting her into trouble. Be careful with the way that she acts in the relationship, that her behavior doesn’t ruin the relationship.

#12 Go out of your way to treat her special

One way to have sex with a married womanis by showing her that you are the better option compared to what she already has. Put effort into planning dates and getting her gifts to remind her that she is special and wanted. This goes a long way if you’re trying to seduce an unhappy married woman! So go all out with the flowers, fancy restaurants and sentimental shows of affection.

#13 Cherish every moment spent together

Knowing how to pick up married womeninvolves ensuring that all the time you two spend together is valued. Given the circumstances, you might not meet up as long or frequently as possible. So take photos, buy souvenirs and do whatever it takes to ensure that you make those few moments together magical. Showing her how much this time together means will definitely earn you a lot of points with her.

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Sexuality Articles August 26, 2011

You are still single? Whatever be the reason, you did not find someone, or did not have time to look for someone when you were young and now you think you are too old? Well it is not true. You still...

You are still single? Whatever be the reason, you did not find someone, or did not have time to look for someone when you were young and now you think you are too old? Well it is not true. You still can date someone. In today’s section of dating advice we will discuss how to pick up young girls even if you are old. Being older is not necessarily a negative thing. You can in fact be more desirable because of your age. Young girls would love to be your date since you would be matured and not a boy. Many girls prefer men over boys and you can thus be a stud.


The following tips will help older men to pick up younger girls.

1. Do not pretend. Be as you are if you are old, behave your age. Do not try to pretend and behave as if you are very young. This will make you look immature. It might make you look ridiculous. If you try to pretend and impress girls you will for sure get slapped. The girl would think that you are old and desperate and are trying to flirt around with young girls. So be what you are.

2. You are expected to dress well. Do not dress up like a college boy. Dres up like your age but still be stylish.

3. Pick-up lines, these are not meant for you. You are not a school boy or a chocolate boy. You are matured enough. You should behave matured and speak matured. Speak sensible. All those chocolate lines are not for you. Using any cheesy lines will make you look unintelligent and insecure.

4. Some rules do not change with age. Whether be it a young girl or someone matured, women fell weak in knees when they get the right compliments. If they are pampered the right way and given the right attention, she will definitely fall for you. However, make sure that you don’t overdo it. Overdoing it might make it look like flattering.

5. You might be liked by her for your maturity. However, at times make her feel that you are young at heart and matured in you thinking. If you are adventure loving and fit take her for some adventurous outings. Gifting her roses will still be a good idea. This will make her feel that you are very youthful and matured as well. She might take it as an added advantage and would feel that’s he would not need to worry of immaturity from your side.

6. Stay relaxed and enjoy. Never cross your lines that make you look like a desperate oldie.

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Get ready all you oldie’s and pick up younger girls using this dating advice.

Source: Free Articles from ArticlesFactory.com

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Paul Haris is professional expert PUA to provide Relationship advice and Sex tips.

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