
Is Lots Of An Adjective


These phrases are mainly used in informal English – lots of sounds a bit more informal than a lot of. Both forms are used in singular and in plural sentences. It is not the phrase a lot of or lots of which determines singular or plural, but the noun of the sentence (here: water and computers). Informal English Singular. A lot of water is. Learning the Welsh Adjectives displayed below is vital to the language. Welsh Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence. Grammar Tips: While in English an adjective doesn’t change when the noun changes, in Welsh an adjective sometimes agrees in gender and number with the noun.

Today we get to explore the wondrous world of adjectives. We’ll look at over 30 adjective examples in sentences, and discover how they are used in different ways in the English language.

When do we use a lot of and when lots of? These phrases are mainly used in informal English – lots of sounds a bit more informal than a lot of.Both forms are used in singular and in plural sentences. It is not the phrase a lot of or lots of which determines singular or plural, but the noun of the sentence (here: water and computers). The reasoning behind this rule is now obsolete (it has a lot to do with the way fun became an adjective), but the stigma against funner and funnest remains. While the tides are beginning to change, it’s safest to stick to more fun and most fun in formal situations (such as in academic writing or in professional correspondence).

Basic Definition of Adjectives

An adjective is a word that modifies a noun. Another way to put it is that an adjective is a word that describes a noun. It tells us more about the subject of the sentence.

Let’s face it, without descriptive parts of speech our language would be painfully boring! We don’t want to just know that there is a man in a story. We want to know more about him so we can understand who it is we’re dealing with. Is he a rich man, a poor man, a smart man? You get the point. And astoundingly, there are many different types of adjectives that we can use to make our writing more interesting!

Examples of Adjectives

angular roundnarrow

Is Give A Adjective

tinyshort tall
spicysweet delicious

There are many more <a href='http://And astoundingly, there are many different types of adjectives that we can use to categories of adjectives that describe emotions, people, situations, appearance, sound, and color – just to name a few.

How many adjectives can you use to describe this image? Photo by Angela_Yuriko_Smith

Is Lots Of An Adjective

Adjective Examples in Sentences

Instead of droning on about adjectives, let’s look at actual adjective examples in sentences. These sentences illustrate various points about how adjectives function.

Easy to Spot

    The green tree is in my backyard.
    Skinny dogs are not necessarily healthy.
    Giant monsters are hiding under the bed.
    Hairless cats look like rats.

These adjectives are incredibly easy to spot because they come right before the nouns that they modify. But they are not always that easy to see.

Complement Linking Verbs

Adjectives can also serve as a compliment to linking verbs. Linking verbs are verbs that derive from “to be,” such as are, is, am, and was. Also, anything describing a sensory experience or state of being can be an adjectival phrase.

    That child sure is joyful!
    It was so disgusting in my son’s bedroom.
    She is the smartest in the class.

Is Lots Of An Adjective Pronoun


Adjectives can tell the reader how much or how many of the noun there is.

    There are twenty chairs set up for the meeting.
    She has four children.
    He bought a carton of eggs.

Coordinating Adjectives

Adjectives are “coordinating” if there are more than one, and they both modify the same noun. In order to form a grammatically correct sentence, they require either a comma between them, or the word and.

It was a long, beautiful summer.
We had a fabulous and exciting time on vacation.
It is dank and dreary working in the mines.
Today is a crisp, cool spring day.

Don’t make the mistake of immediately assuming that two adjectives that happen to be next to one another are coordinating adjectives. Sometimes an adjective and a noun are so closely linked together that they actually function together as a noun.

Think of it this way. Here are some adjectives that work with the noun to create…yep, you got it…a noun!

    cashmere sweater
    gold earrings
    wooden shed

Now let’s put those into sentences with a coordinating adjective.

Coordinating Adjectives and Nouns

    She donated her old cashmere sweater.
    Julia was wearing her huge gold earrings.
    Joe demolished his dilapidated wooden shed.

Now you might wonder how you can tell whether these are coordinating adjectives or not. Here’s a quick and dirty tip: Try changing the order of the adjectives around. If the sentence still sounds natural, then you have coordinating adjectives. If it does not work, then the exception applies.

She donated her cashmere old sweater. (This is awkward and does not work.)

Julia was wearing her gold huge earrings. (Again, awkward.)

Joe demolished his wooden dilapidated shed. (Three strikes!)

Degrees of Comparison

Remember superlatives? When comparing qualities, there are typically three levels. They can be absolute, comparative, and superlative.

  • Absolute: Describes something in its own right
  • Comparative: Compares two or more things
  • Superlative: Highest quality available

Today is hot.
Today is hotter than yesterday.
Today is the hottest day of the year.

That tree is big.
That tree is bigger than the one next to it.
That is the biggest tree in my yard.

She is pretty.
She is prettier than her sister.
She is the prettiest girl in the school.

Adjectival Phrases

The last thing we’ll be looking at today is adjectival phrases. These are a group of words that describe the noun in the sentence.

The adjectival phrase can come before or after the subject of the sentence. The adjective in the sentence can be at the beginning, middle, or end of the phrase.

In the examples below, the adjective phrase is in italics, and the adjective is bold.

Can The Be An Adjective

    The presentation was not entirely boring.

    The incredibly tired bear was lying down.

    The waves are way too high.

    The beautifully embroidered sweater was made by hand.

    I walked away from the man who was covered in sweat.

    The extremely loud party next store was getting on my nerves.

    The overly angry onlookers started a riot.

I hope these adjective examples in sentences gave you a better understanding of how to use them. For more information about adjectives, check out our Professional Writing lessons. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.

What Is An Adjective Example

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The Free Dictionary Blog > English Grammar and Spelling > A list of adjectives with which you can describe anything

If you need to describe something—anything—you need a list of adjectives at your disposal. A comprehensive adjectives list can bring your descriptions to life, so read on for everything you need to know about this descriptive element of English vocabulary.

What is an adjective?

The definition of 'adjective' explains it as a word that modifies or describes a noun; for example, 'green' or 'happy.' Adjectives typically describe, delimit, or specify quantity, as 'nice' in 'a nice day,' 'other' in 'other people,' or 'all' in 'all dogs.' There are several different types of adjectives.

1. Predicate Adjectives

As the name indicates, a predicate adjective is an adjective that is used in the predicate of a sentence—the part of a sentence that asserts or denies something, often containing a verb and the object of the sentence. It is an adjective that is used in the predicate with a copulative or factitive verb and has the same referent as the subject of the copulative verb or the direct object of the factitive verb, as 'sick' in 'He is sick' or 'It made him sick.'

Predicate adjective examples

The train is late.
Jim's band plays too loud!

2. Possessive Adjectives

A possessive adjective is a pronominal adjective expressing ownership. A list of possessive adjectives is as follows:

Possessive adjective examples

I like your idea.
The airline canceled its early flight to New York.
Whose jacket is this?

3. Demonstrative Adjectives

A demonstrative adjective denotes or belongs to a class of determiners used to point out the individual referent or referents intended. The following is a list of demonstrative adjectives:

Demonstrative adjective examples

That woman is her mother.
I haven’t finished going over those papers yet.

4. Adjective Clauses

An adjective clause, also known as a relative clause, is a dependent clause introduced by a relative pronoun, adjective, or adverb, either expressed or deleted. It describes the subject of the sentence.

Adjective clause examples

The dining room, which is downstairs, is too dark.
Here's the letter (that) I wrote. ('That' is understood and so it does not have to appear in the sentence.)
My mom, whose vision is terrible, wears glasses at all times.

5. Adjectives of Degree

The form of an adjective can change based on what it is describing. A positive adjective is the ordinary form of a word (e.g. 'bright'), while a comparative adjective conveys a sense of greater intensity of the adjective (e.g. 'brighter'), and a superlative adjective reflects the greatest intensity of the adjective (e.g. 'brightest').
Speakers of vernacular dialects often use double comparatives and superlatives such as 'more higher” and 'most fastest.' Although such constructions may seem redundant or even illogical, standard and nonstandard varieties of all languages are replete with such constructions. In English, the redundant comparative dates back to the 1500s. Prior to this, in Old and Middle English, suffixes, rather than a preceding 'more' or 'most,' almost always marked the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, regardless of word length. In the Early Modern English period (c. 1500-1800), 'more' and 'most' constructions became more common. The Modern English rule governing the distribution of -er/-est and 'more/most' had not yet arisen, and such forms as 'eminenter,' 'impudentest,' and 'beautifullest' occurred together with constructions like 'more near,' 'most poor,' and 'most foul.' Double markings were commonly used to indicate special emphasis, and they do not appear to have been socially disfavored. Even Shakespeare used double comparatives and superlatives, as in Mark Antony's statement, 'This was the most unkindest cut of all' from Julius Caesar. Nowadays, although double comparatives and superlatives are not considered standard usage, they are kept alive in vernacular dialects.

Positive Adjectives

A positive adjective is the usual form of an adjective, as opposed to its comparative or superlative form.

Positive adjective examples

Comparative Adjectives

A comparative adjective relates to or is the intermediate degree of comparison of adjectives.

Comparative adjective examples

Superlative Adjectives

A superlative adjective is the extreme degree of comparison of an adjective. It expresses the highest or a very high degree of quality. In English, the superlative degree is usually marked by the suffix -est.

Superlative adjective examples

Check out some of the most popular adjectives and their synonyms in the Thesaurus:
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