
Gplots Install


I am new to 'R' and learning basics. My 'R programme' shows package 'gplots' in the package install list. I tried to load it using 'library' and 'require'. In both the cases command seems to be accepted. But once i start to work on ' gplots', it says function not found. I did the same on PC, it worked but not on my mac laptop. Come to GPLOT to experience virgin beaches and fisherfolk fables! Gobardhanpur beach is spreading almost 15 Kms along Bay of Bengal. This beach is infested with red crabs and surrounded with deep forest where trees like 'Jhau', 'Garan', 'Sundari' and 'Heran' will be found. This is a wrapper around install.packages, but with the repository chosen according to the version of Bioconductor in use, rather than to the version relevant at the time of the release of R. Install also nudges users to remain current within a release, by default checking for out-of-date packages and asking if the user would like to update.

  1. Install Ggplot2 R
  2. Install Gplots Conda
  3. Install Ggplot2 R Studio
  4. Gplots R
[This article was first published on Learning Omics » R, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here) Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.

Have no fear, the screenshots are here! (For the original tutorial, click here)

Part 1-Getting the Package onto Your Computer

  1. Open R via your preferred method (icon on desktop, Start Menu, dock, etc.)
  2. Click “Packages” in the top menu then click “Install package(s)”.
  3. Choose a mirror that is closest to your geographical location.
  4. Now you get to choose which packages you want to install. If you would like to install multiple packages, click on each one while holding the CTRL key or the cloverleaf-looking key. For now just highlight “ggplot2″.
  5. You will know when the package has been downloaded onto your computer when another greater-than symbol (“>”) appears.

Part 2-Loading the Package into R

  1. Type “library(ggplot2)” and then press the Enter/Return key.
  2. All done.

Install Ggplot2 R

Ggplot2 package r

You will only need to do Part 1 once time on your computer. From now on, you only need to do Part 2 each time you close and restart R.

Use this method once you get more acquainted with the whole copy and paste business. It is much quicker than Method 1.

Part 1-Getting the Package onto Your Computer

  1. Type “install.packages(“gplots”)” and then press the Enter/Return key.
  2. If you have already loaded a package from a server in the R session, then R will automatically install the package. If not, R will automatically prompt you to choose a mirror. Again, choose one close to unless you want to watch a loading bar slowly inch its way to fulfillment.

Part 2-Loading the Package into R

  1. Type “library(gplots)” and then press the Enter/Return key.
  2. All done. R will spit out a lot more output because it needs to install other packages required for gplots.

Again, you will only need to do Part 1 one time on your computer. From now on, you only need to do Part 2 each time you close and restart R.


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Install Gplots Conda

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Primary Source: Living in an Ivory Basement

I’ve been using EBSeq for a few things lately, and have had trouble getting some of the dependencies installed — in particular, gplots doesn’t seem to be readily available for R 2.14, 2.15, etc. Judging by my Google searches, others have been having the same problems; see e.g.

The general error message is of the form:

Since I’m not an R expert, it took me a long time to find a solution; here’s what I cooked up:

Hope this saves someone some time! Comments and updates welcome — I’m sure this isn’t the best way to do it.



p.s. I hate R.

p.p.s. Although to be fair this kind of problem crops up everywhere in any useful programming language, because SOFTWARE SUCKS.

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Install Ggplot2 R Studio

C. Titus Brown is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics. He earned his PhD ('06) in developmental molecular biology from the California Institute of Technology. Brown is director of the laboratory for Genomics, Evolution, and Development (GED) at Michigan State University. He is a member of the Python Software Foundation and an active contributor to the open source software community. His research interests include computational biology, bioinformatics, open source software development, and software engineering.

Gplots R

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