
A Sloth Spies On The King


The king's son have I landed by himself; Whom I left cooling of the air with sighs In an odd angle of the isle and sitting, His arms in this sad knot. PROSPERO Of the king's ship The mariners say how thou hast disposed And all the rest o' the fleet. ARIEL Safely in harbour Is the king's ship; in the deep nook, where once. A passing female sloth shows interest in spy sloth. Her first move is to rub noses with her potential mate followed by a mating call. “SPY IN THE WILD 2 has more incredible animal behavior moments.

the notion of acedia means that a man does not, in the last resort, give the consent of his will to his own being; that beneath the dynamic activity of his existence, he is still not at one with himself
…..….. -Joseph Pieper

When autumn came, my grandfather set up
Behind a metal desk in his garage,
With slender ballpeen hammer and curved pick
….. To hull and crack

The acrid mound of tennis-ball-sized husks
From which he freed those gnarled piths of black walnuts
Gathered beneath our trees the weeks before
….. And meant for this.

Other men I have known had other passions,
To sell insurance or run clothing stores,
To coach a squad of boys to pitch and hit
….. In summer league.

And we are so impressed by excellence,
By concentration, how it shuts the world out
And brushes off distraction with a rudeness
….. Quite accidental,

A Sloth Spies On The King 123movies

That some have thought that this was our vocation,
The answer to the question why we’re here,
And whose unceasing cultivation is
….. Our happiness.

SlothA Sloth Spies On The King

But even as a boy, when I would see,
Stowed in my idle laziness, the girls
Solicitous of every teacher’s praise,
….. Those busy bodies

A Sloth Spies On The King Eternal

Who volunteered to cook hot meals for old folks,
To tutor after school, or paint bright signs
For spirit week, I’d spy their flitting ache
….. Of restlessness.


And though I felt rebuked by their good will
And knew my brooding silence in the lunchroom
Was also discontent, if not distraction,
….. And marked for shame,

I nonetheless thought they had fled the question
Posed by their selves, or pushed it off beyond
Tomorrow with assurance that they had
….. Done what was asked.

And later, when I saw what Pascal wrote
About the king possessed of everything
Who would not have himself be left to sit
….. In solitude,

For fear his roving mind’s eye might return
Upon the glowering emptiness within
And there, cut off from glittering abundance,
….. Find gnawing misery,

I knew that man, contemptible and great,
Could build a far-flung empery from worry,
An earnest moral sentence from a lie
….. He tells himself;

And knew reflective anguish, in being thought,
Resembled more than humming outward deeds
What both too easily parody: that peace
….. We fear to seek.

For it is silly, Aristotle says,
To think the gods live their eternity
Fiddling about with war or sex or money.
….. They are all stillness.

No less must we, who crack our meat from shells
And earn commissions sweating at the office,
Set by our deeds at last for that pure act
….. Of god-like rest.

James Matthew Wilson

James Matthew Wilson has published eight books, including, most recently, The Hanging God (Angelico, 2018). The 2017 recipient of the Hiett Prize from the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture, he is associate professor of religion and literature, in the Department of Humanities and Augustinian Traditions, at Villanova University. He also serves as the poetry editor for Modern Age magazine and the series editor for Colosseum Books.

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Does your family have different opinions that sometimes ruin gatherings? Do you sometimes wonder how you are all related?

My Shitty Family is the hilarious party game that takes family dysfunction to a whole new level!

A Sloth Spies On The King Cast

Take on the role of family members with opposing perspectives, develop shitty habits, and get ready for things to get uncomfortable!

Role-play as random Shitty Family members with random traits and bad habits!

A sloth spies on the king of

In your roles, you'll be discussing debatable, random, and most of the time, awkward topics!

Also look for,
Fat Jerry's
'Oh Hell No' Expansion!
50 more awkward topics to ruin your interpersonal

Our goal is to launch My Shitty Family on Kickstarter late 2020. Those that back us on Kickstarter, will be the first to own our game! Be sure to sign up for our newsletter so you are notified about our game launch!

Click here for a basic tutorial of the game or click here for the rules in PDF.


Know your audience. The point of the game is to laugh at diverse and sometimes ignorant viewpoints. In a world that is increasingly divisive, we at Sloth King Games like to laugh as we cry.


Have you ever left a family function, let out a long breath, and just shook your head? Families can be complex; My Shitty Family takes all the uncomfortable interactions and conversation, stuffs them with bias, and bakes them in a racist oven that can only be operated by women. We apologize in advance.

Some of the topic cards have “family challenges”. If completed, these tasks earn players extra points. They are fun, lighthearted challenges that give some background to our twelve characters.

A Sloth Spies On The Kingdom

These two Shitty Family members are our favorites. They may not really be related at all, but they seem to be at every family function. Fat Jerry is a party in a can, while Friggin’ Susan just always does “Susan-like” things.

Sloth King Games is a small game developer out of New York. We strive to make our players laugh with content they can relate to.

Allan is a super talented illustrator and designer out of Norway. He brought each of the My Shitty Family members to life.

Sebastian is a fantastic graphic designer and game developer out of Argentina. His eye for design brought My Shitty Family together.